It’s no secret that children who live in rural areas find it very difficult to get a decent living like children in general. They find it difficult to get clean water, receive education according to the limits of Indonesia’s education feasibility and find it difficult to keep up with the times. Not only that, they did not even recognize communication devices such as mobile phones.
The main thing that became the main focus was how difficult it was for them to get a proper education and received twelve years of education. In fact, it is not all their fault, their difficulty in reaching school locations is a problem because they have to navigate the river. They also have to walk tens of kilometers, some even don’t wear footwear.
The lack of teaching staff in the interior due to the difficulty of finding teachers who want to teach in the area is also unfortunate. Even though the quality of a person is measured by the extent of education achieved because the quality of an elementary school graduate is different from the quality of an undergraduate. So it can be concluded that education greatly influences the quality of an inland child.
Reading books is a very fun activity and also very useful. By reading books, we get knowledge that is very useful for us. Reading a book can also provide its own point of view in understanding science which we may not necessarily get from other places.
In some developed countries, it is compulsory for its citizens to read books with a minimum duration set by the country with a view to ensuring that everyone in the country has high insight so that they are expected to advance their country. Examples of countries that have very high reading habits are Japan. Japan is a developed country with very advanced technology and also the productive level in their work is much higher than other countries. All of that is the result of their reading habits.
The Japanese government itself deliberately made a lot of public reading rooms in various corners of the city. In addition to the government, teachers in Japan also require each student to read a book for 10 minutes before class starts. Plus many bookstores can be found in every place in the country. They realize how important the habit of reading books and take action to improve these habits.